Emirates Shipping Association
Become a part of our Committees and together we can drive
positive change, innovation and growth within the maritime sector.
Register your interest in joining the association here.
Join a Committee and contribute to change and growth in the maritime sector
Emirates Shipping Association is ready to take action. We’re curating committees with our fellow members to tackle challenges and define new opportunities on the issues that matter in the maritime industry. As a committee member, you can contribute to the growth and transformation of three key priorities in the maritime sector.
Each committee will research, prepare, and engage with relevant industry and government stakeholders including the Ministries of Energy and Infrastructure, Finance, and Economy, sharing insights and shaping policies. It’s a platform to influence change, foster innovation, and advance the industry’s global competitiveness.

Explore Committees
Advancing UAE Registry as a Flag State
Enhance the attractiveness of the UAE flag for vessel registration.
Plan of Action:
- Promote unique UAE advantages such as: its strategic location as a gateway between East and West to attract vessels engaged in global trade; and the UAE’s political stability, economic growth, and robust legal system to attract interest.
- Exploring ways to try to simplify administrative and regulatory procedures (if relevant and possible), to help streamline registration processes, minimize bureaucracy, and promote online/ digital services.
- Benchmark against successful flags and best practices of other successful maritime nations to identify potential areas for improvement in the UAE.
- ESA members wishing to join the Advisory Committee must submit an application to the ESA board.
- The ESA board will appoint the following for the members of the Advisory Committee:

- Advisory committee contributes insights and information by generation of white paper in a timely manner to enable full and proper consideration of the relevant issues.
- Appointment of a member to the Advisory Committee is at the discretion of the ESA board. It will also be subject to the applicant adhering to the relevant committee Charter, which Charter will govern committee membership and work.
Time Allocation:
- In carrying out its functions the Advisory Committee shall meet a minimum of four times per annum.
- The quorum of meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be 50% of its membership, provided the Chair is present, or the Vice Chair in the absence of the Chair.
- Only Advisory Committee members have the right to attend and vote at Advisory Committee meetings.
- Minutes shall be kept of all proceedings of the Advisory Committee, taken by the Secretary, and retained by the office of the GM of the ESA.
- The Chair and Vice-Chair will be appointed for a period of three years, renewable by no more than two additional three-year terms.
- The Advisory Committee are appointed for a period of one year, renewable by no more than two additional one-year terms.
- All term renewals will be by application to the board of the ESA, and at its discretion.
- All work, recommendations and reports of the Advisory Committee, as well as any documents or information shared between its members in performance of their duties on the Advisory Committee, (“Confidential Information”) shall be kept confidential at all times and shall not be disclosed to third parties, except:
- if permitted by the board of the ESA;
- by an Advisory Committee member to its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of the Advisory Committee. Each Advisory Committee member shall ensure that its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers to whom it discloses Confidential Information keep it confidential; and
- as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.
- Advisory Committee members may be required to sign a separate confidentiality agreement with the ESA in the form required by the ESA.
Standardisation of UAE Tax
This committee works towards maintaining the UAE’s status as a desirable marine hub by scoping out competitive tax regime, such as Tonnage Tax
Plan of Action:
- Facilitate dialogue and collaboration between industry stakeholders and government authorities to develop a transparent and competitive tax regime.
- Benchmark a potential UAE tonnage tax regime against international best practices and leading maritime nations.
- Strengthen stakeholder collaboration: Facilitate collaboration between government agencies, private sector companies, NGOs, and institutions to develop and present a competitive tax regime to the regulators.
- Enabling tax incentives to encourage vessel owners to register their vessels under the UAE flag.
- ESA members wishing to join the Advisory Committee must submit an application to the ESA board.
- The ESA board will appoint the following for the members of the Advisory Committee:

- Advisory committee contributes insights and information by generation of white paper in a timely manner to enable full and proper consideration of the relevant issues.
- Appointment of a member to the Advisory Committee is at the discretion of the ESA board. It will also be subject to the applicant adhering to the relevant committee Charter, which Charter will govern committee membership and work.
Time Allocation:
- In carrying out its functions the Advisory Committee shall meet a minimum of four times per annum.
- The quorum of meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be 50% of its membership, provided the Chair is present, or the Vice Chair in the absence of the Chair.
- Only Advisory Committee members have the right to attend and vote at Advisory Committee meetings.
- Minutes shall be kept of all proceedings of the Advisory Committee, taken by the Secretary, and retained by the office of the GM of the ESA.
- The Chair and Vice-Chair will be appointed for a period of three years, renewable by no more than two additional three-year terms.
- The Advisory Committee are appointed for a period of one year, renewable by no more than two additional one-year terms.
- All term renewals will be by application to the board of the ESA, and at its discretion.
- All work, recommendations and reports of the Advisory Committee, as well as any documents or information shared between its members in performance of their duties on the Advisory Committee, (“Confidential Information”) shall be kept confidential at all times and shall not be disclosed to third parties, except:
- if permitted by the board of the ESA;
- by an Advisory Committee member to its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of the Advisory Committee. Each Advisory Committee member shall ensure that its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers to whom it discloses Confidential Information keep it confidential; and
- as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.
- Advisory Committee members may be required to sign a separate confidentiality agreement with the ESA in the form required by the ESA.
Leadership and Sustainability
Promote sustainability and build leadership capacity in the UAE shipping sector.
Plan of Action:
- Strengthen stakeholder collaboration: Facilitate collaboration between government agencies, private sector companies, NGOs, and academic institutions to develop and implement sustainable shipping / decarbonization strategies.
- Promote international cooperation through initiatives such as Maritime Leadership Program: Participate in international forums and agreements, and establish international partnerships, on sustainable shipping to share and develop best practices and coordinate efforts
- Consider the development of comprehensive regulation, incentives and strategies to encourage sustainable shipping practices, including emission reduction.
- ESA members wishing to join the Advisory Committee must submit an application to the ESA board.
- The ESA board will appoint the following for the members of the Advisory Committee:

- Advisory committee contributes insights and information by generation of whitepaper in a timely manner to enable full and proper consideration of the relevant issues.
- Appointment of a member to the Advisory Committee is at the discretion of the ESA board. It will also be subject to the applicant adhering to the relevant committee Charter, which Charter will govern committee membership and work.
Time Allocation:
- In carrying out its functions the Advisory Committee shall meet a minimum of four times per annum.
- The quorum of meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be 50% of its membership, provided the Chair is present, or the Vice Chair in the absence of the Chair.
- Only Advisory Committee members have the right to attend and vote at Advisory Committee meetings.
- Minutes shall be kept of all proceedings of the Advisory Committee, taken by the Secretary, and retained by the office of the GM of the ESA.
- The Chair and Vice-Chair will be appointed for a period of three years, renewable by no more than two additional three-year terms.
- The Advisory Committee are appointed for a period of one year, renewable by no more than two additional one-year terms.
- All term renewals will be by application to the board of the ESA, and at its discretion.
- All work, recommendations and reports of the Advisory Committee, as well as any documents or information shared between its members in performance of their duties on the Advisory Committee, (“Confidential Information”) shall be kept confidential at all times and shall not be disclosed to third parties, except:
- if permitted by the board of the ESA;
- by an Advisory Committee member to its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of the Advisory Committee. Each Advisory Committee member shall ensure that its employees, officers, representatives, contractors, subcontractors or advisers to whom it discloses Confidential Information keep it confidential; and
- as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.
- Advisory Committee members may be required to sign a separate confidentiality agreement with the ESA in the form required by the ESA.
When you talk, we listen
If there is a project that you believe the Emirates Shipping Association should take on, feel free to drop us a message and become part of the conversation.